Tired today

I have all these wonderful blog ideas in my head…but…today I just feel tired. Bone deep weary.
Trying to get exercise in at 300am, because when you work a 12 hour shift and live an hour and 15 mins from work, when is it possible?
My carpool just sent me a message telling me he needs a ride, but…He moved. What the heck?! Dude.
All in all it looks to be tired day…
Peace to you…
Zoning with some waves will work.


Self soothing

Funny how you think that all is well and then something upsets your applecart. (Love the image in my head) lol
I think I am better at soothing others then myself. It makes me angry that I suck at self soothing.
Maybe this is me writing to myself.
You are ok.
You are not forgotten.
You are important.
You can be a good person.
A good friend.
A good lover.
This is just a step.
A step in healing. Because no one can heal you. You. YOU have to do it yourself.
You need to keep busy.
Stay away from social media.
Walk more.
Take more pictures.
Take way more walks.
For goodness sakes love yourself, because…no one can love you if you can’t love yourself.
Hey self.
Nice pep talk.
Be back for more later!

She was amazing…

One time she brought me a dozen donuts, assorted, knowing that the family only ate chocolate covered.

She laughed so hard once she sprayed coffee on the dash of my car.

We could antique for hours and not buy a thing…well she didn’t.

The time she called and said I should try Tabasco on the kids science experiment. AFTER we almost killed ourselves with chlorine gas. Lol.

She was a single mom for awhile,  loved her boyfriend of many years, her kids and grandbaby

I wish I could tell you how things are, what an adventure things have been lately.

She died on a monday, when I kissed her cheek goodbye…she was no longer left in her shell.

I miss you my friend.
High fives and gentle kisses off to your spirit.

Sunday photo and comfort…


Sundays photo…
This is my little piece of heaven.
With all the digital reading that I do now, it still is.

It is a little cluttered
A little loud
With all the stories that want to be read again
“Read me”
“Read me”
They whisper
Curled up
Legs tucked under me
Hands drift
Which one will it be?

Much like a large crowd of friends.
Waiting. Softly. Surrounding you.


Dance Before Wave

Fair warning…erotica ahead.
I am inspired by many things. Photos, thoughts, memories and desires. This is my thoughts on teaching/leading/changing a dance you have done many times. Erotica with a twist of poetry. The format is “blitz” and was inspired to use it by Der and Desiree G(sorry…still haven’t managed the links). Thank you both.
Feedback welcome.
My first “official” poetry. (Yes those were finger qoutes).

The blind leading the blind
The teaching dance
Dance with heat
Dance to teach
Teach to touch
Teach to feel
Feel the warmth
Feel the beat
Beat of the center
Beat of the pulse
Pulse pounding loud
Pulse racing on skin
Skin aching to finish
Skin aching to tease
Tease until frantic
Tease the sounds loud
Loud whimpers
Loud unrestrained sound
Sound is uncontrolled
Sound directs
Directs your touch
Directs the movement
Movement of hands
Movement of fingers
Fingers pet gently
Fingers flick fast
Fast as necessary
Fast as arching body
Body feels all over
Body refuses to stop
Stop to change
Stop to adjust
Adjust your mouth
Adjust your play
Play begins again
Playing to crescendo
Crescendo of feelings
Crescendo surge
Surge of the body
Surge against hand
Hand bringing it close
Hand slow to faster
Faster to the moment
Faster to the end
End is almost
End is nearly cresting
Cresting like a wave
Cresting to surrender

True love?

Ah…what is it about prompts and questions today? Inspiration to think i believe.

Does true love exist?
This is my two bits and really that may be all its worth.
What do you think?

I think true love exists.
It accepting someone for what they are and are not.
A passive person
Possessive person
Intelligent person
Sometimes not so smart
Physically great
Or not

Not understanding a thought process but wanting too because, they fucking matter to you.

It is the simple moments of the smell of skin.
The oh god I missed you.
When someone can make you smile till your face hurts.
When you can’t wait to see them or get hm at the end of the day…knowing the house will be in shambles when you get there.
When you know someone held their small child on their lap till they fell asleep, because they couldn’t bring themselves to put them down.
When you know they saved a small child who wandered off and was standing by the freeway, lost.
When your not sure if someone will be be able to pull out of depression but you keep talking, hoping they can see that you care.

So really. It’s all the pieces. Big and small. Bad and good. Knowing when to hold on to the bits or let them go.

I guess.

20 Questions

Blogs will make you think…This one is a follow on a prompt from infinite zip, couldn’t link her post because I am just not that good.

Prompt is to do 20 questions with the last line not. Poem form…which this is not.


What will you become?
Will you be just a fallen petal?
Will you be an empty branch?
Do you have dreams?
Do you have hopes?
Do you listen intently?
Do you ignore the outside world?
What is the sun to you?
What is a soft hand touching you feel like?
Can you see me?
Do you love the rain on your surface?
Do you talk to your neighbors?
Can you feel the energy of the earth thru your trunk?
When you grow does it stretch like muscles?
Do you get confused?
What will the end look like?
Is it worth it?
Would you be something more?
Can you understand?
Does it matter?
Your time is infinite and perfect just as it is and no one can take that away, your destiny, your purpose.
But we can question.

Thank you for the prompt. I had one thought in mind and it morphed to another!

Apple blossoms.  It really could be anything I think.


Floor hard
Slightly waxy to the touch
Shines in the neon lights
  Laughter and talk
    From all sides
      Surrounding the middle
Wheels hiss and turn
Carrying each person on a journey
Even among the crowd
    Each person stands alone
      The ache in the ankles
        Pull of thigh muscles
As the swish…roll…
Goes on
Lights flicker
    Music in your bones
        Flying across the wood floor
Trying to not crash epically
Faster yet
Can I go faster mom?
    Did you see me mom?
        Watch me go
        Slowing the roll
      Easing towards the exit
    Grab the wall spin into your seat
Collapse in loose limbs
Still feeling the swish…roll
Of the floor

Running out of gas

Sometimes a situation will just make you smile later, no matter how much it was not an ideal situation at the time.

You have to picture the story in your mind.
A woman(she prefers to remain nameless). Drove outside her work to sit in her car. Notices the gas light on. No worries. It will be fine.  She has never ran out of gas in her life. As she is sitting there..
Car dies.
Walks back into work. Past security.
Calls her partner, he gets her a gas can and a gal of gas.
Goes back outside.
Car won’t start.
Have to get the gas sensor to read it.
Calls someone, suggested to try and get the “sensor” to read.
Start it 5 to 10 times.
Battery dies.
Fuel injection requires 5 gal to read it.
Has someone else go get 5 gals of gas.
Has someone charge her battery.
Car miraculously starts up!
Goes inside.
Fax machine does not work.
*Pounds head against the wall*

Lol…have a good day!