Belly dancing is not for everyone…

The title says it all.
Be aware that I am giggling hysterically inside while I take this class.
Let me back it up a bit.

In the search for new things and adventure in my middle life I have decided to take continuing education classes from the local college. It also is not to pricey and somewhat fits into my work schedule.

Last quarter was healing mind body and soul. Interesting. Definitely different.
This quarter it was a choice between…
CSI-Is there truth to sasquatch?
Beginning belly dancing

I asked the kids.
My son’s look of horror said it all, as he whispered.
“Mom, what if you get on the news?”
*laughing inside*
I asked him, “What do you think is going to happen at this class?”
His answer, “I just think it’s a bad idea.” As his look of offended horror is still on his face.

Well. The look of horror decided me. I am going to do it and I will try to avoid the news cameras.
His sigh could probably be heard over a couple counties.

So off to the first lesson that I had eagerly looked forward too.

Instructions were to wear loose clothing and bring a water bottle.
THAT I could do. I have this down.

It was myself, a very willowy blond lady, another lady who had done zumba before and…Our instructor.
The instructor had *cough* a larger chest area. She made it clear she did not like to jiggle them.
I got this.
Water bottle, loose clothes and small breasts.
We stretch. In front of a floor to ceiling mirror.
Stretching was fine.
Then she asks us to do a snake with our arms.
So I try. Looking at myself in the mirror.
My arms are all over. Not the sensuous curves everyone else is displaying.
So. I try harder.
Oh dear lord.
My son was right. I am going to be on the news. Because I will have been the first beginning belly dancer to have knocked myself out with my own arm snakes.

Grapevine-you cross your feet how?
Arab cross-oh shit…not a horse?
Tuck your butt. Bend your knees. This is so your back won’t hurt. Uh..
Press your diagram out.
Get the butt jello feel…dear lord save me.

After an hour and 20 mins of this the instructor made us stretch again…smiled and said she would see us next week.

I limped out the door.
My tucking of my pelvis not helping the ache in my back.
My arms smarting.

I decided.
Yes I would be back. But perhaps I
would need to practice the snake before class.


Hope I made you smile. Have a great day. Peace.

Running out of gas

Sometimes a situation will just make you smile later, no matter how much it was not an ideal situation at the time.

You have to picture the story in your mind.
A woman(she prefers to remain nameless). Drove outside her work to sit in her car. Notices the gas light on. No worries. It will be fine.  She has never ran out of gas in her life. As she is sitting there..
Car dies.
Walks back into work. Past security.
Calls her partner, he gets her a gas can and a gal of gas.
Goes back outside.
Car won’t start.
Have to get the gas sensor to read it.
Calls someone, suggested to try and get the “sensor” to read.
Start it 5 to 10 times.
Battery dies.
Fuel injection requires 5 gal to read it.
Has someone else go get 5 gals of gas.
Has someone charge her battery.
Car miraculously starts up!
Goes inside.
Fax machine does not work.
*Pounds head against the wall*

Lol…have a good day!