20 Questions

Blogs will make you think…This one is a follow on a prompt from infinite zip, couldn’t link her post because I am just not that good.

Prompt is to do 20 questions with the last line not. Poem form…which this is not.


What will you become?
Will you be just a fallen petal?
Will you be an empty branch?
Do you have dreams?
Do you have hopes?
Do you listen intently?
Do you ignore the outside world?
What is the sun to you?
What is a soft hand touching you feel like?
Can you see me?
Do you love the rain on your surface?
Do you talk to your neighbors?
Can you feel the energy of the earth thru your trunk?
When you grow does it stretch like muscles?
Do you get confused?
What will the end look like?
Is it worth it?
Would you be something more?
Can you understand?
Does it matter?
Your time is infinite and perfect just as it is and no one can take that away, your destiny, your purpose.
But we can question.

Thank you for the prompt. I had one thought in mind and it morphed to another!

Apple blossoms.  It really could be anything I think.