
Floor hard
Slightly waxy to the touch
Shines in the neon lights
  Laughter and talk
    From all sides
      Surrounding the middle
Wheels hiss and turn
Carrying each person on a journey
Even among the crowd
    Each person stands alone
      The ache in the ankles
        Pull of thigh muscles
As the swish…roll…
Goes on
Lights flicker
    Music in your bones
        Flying across the wood floor
Trying to not crash epically
Faster yet
Can I go faster mom?
    Did you see me mom?
        Watch me go
        Slowing the roll
      Easing towards the exit
    Grab the wall spin into your seat
Collapse in loose limbs
Still feeling the swish…roll
Of the floor

11 responses to “

    • Grey…lol! Somehow reverse seems awkward. Daughter goes much faster than I. I also would be lucky to get the husband in the door.
      My technique is more to just keeping on my feet in many things:)

      • my jr years were spent at the rink. oh, I would also add late skate. My parents let me stay until midnight.

        I hated reverse skate, but they did it for a few minutes, I never knew why.

      • In watching it seems some are very good at it.
        The littles (usually girls)
        The older couples (much older)
        The roller derby girls
        The single guys who do the curves and turns
        My teenage daughter…Beautiful to look at and thank goodness has managed to get beyond the falling down and getting up repeatedly that she first started 6 months ago. (Hysterical to watch, and she was kind enough to let me laugh)
        And I…never had been to a roller rink before the disastrous first time with her.

      • in college the other in HS and just too cool to go to the rink. The last time I showed off my skills to impress them I ended up in the hospital.

      • *laughter*
        Probably not then.
        I did fall on my hind end hard one trip…With my cell phone in the back pocket…phone was fine. Left a nifty cell phone sized bruise. Ow.

      • do you think in 30 years kids will look at the call icon on their phone and wonder where the heck that shape came from? Phones today do not look like anything from my youth.

      • Very true!
        Actually hadn’t thought of that myself.
        I do remember untangling the phone cord that was forever getting knotted upon itself.
        Flip side of that…could you imagine 30 years ago being able to put the phone in your back pocket? The visual….

      • Yep, it was a really big motorola brick phone. I am not sure it would fit though, maybe 25 years is closer to the time frame. I remember when they were getting smaller and smaller (before smart phones) and now they are big again. I love the new samsung that is practically a small tablet.

        I also recall having a landline and we all had to share it in the house.

        Too many times I was trying to be cool with the ladies on the phone, only to have my mom or dad get on the phone and embarrass me to no end and all they did was pick up the receiver.

        In those days you could hear all kinds of things by gently picking up a receiver in another room. Now I have to check the kids text messages.

        Times they are a changin….

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