Dance Before Wave

Fair warning…erotica ahead.
I am inspired by many things. Photos, thoughts, memories and desires. This is my thoughts on teaching/leading/changing a dance you have done many times. Erotica with a twist of poetry. The format is “blitz” and was inspired to use it by Der and Desiree G(sorry…still haven’t managed the links). Thank you both.
Feedback welcome.
My first “official” poetry. (Yes those were finger qoutes).

The blind leading the blind
The teaching dance
Dance with heat
Dance to teach
Teach to touch
Teach to feel
Feel the warmth
Feel the beat
Beat of the center
Beat of the pulse
Pulse pounding loud
Pulse racing on skin
Skin aching to finish
Skin aching to tease
Tease until frantic
Tease the sounds loud
Loud whimpers
Loud unrestrained sound
Sound is uncontrolled
Sound directs
Directs your touch
Directs the movement
Movement of hands
Movement of fingers
Fingers pet gently
Fingers flick fast
Fast as necessary
Fast as arching body
Body feels all over
Body refuses to stop
Stop to change
Stop to adjust
Adjust your mouth
Adjust your play
Play begins again
Playing to crescendo
Crescendo of feelings
Crescendo surge
Surge of the body
Surge against hand
Hand bringing it close
Hand slow to faster
Faster to the moment
Faster to the end
End is almost
End is nearly cresting
Cresting like a wave
Cresting to surrender

Small reason

There are three reasons I walk:
1. It makes me feel not insane, I feel comfortable in my own skin, I can worry and walk.
2. I take pictures. The challenge…the oh my goodness that is beautiful.
3. To see new things.

These below are why I walk. It makes me SEE things I wouldn’t have.


Old men sleeping
Sprawled without care
Covered in a blanket of soft moss


The petals small
As they please
Falling upon upturned face
Soft fleeting touches
Here and gone


All the same in color
Different in design and deed.