Self soothing

Funny how you think that all is well and then something upsets your applecart. (Love the image in my head) lol
I think I am better at soothing others then myself. It makes me angry that I suck at self soothing.
Maybe this is me writing to myself.
You are ok.
You are not forgotten.
You are important.
You can be a good person.
A good friend.
A good lover.
This is just a step.
A step in healing. Because no one can heal you. You. YOU have to do it yourself.
You need to keep busy.
Stay away from social media.
Walk more.
Take more pictures.
Take way more walks.
For goodness sakes love yourself, because…no one can love you if you can’t love yourself.
Hey self.
Nice pep talk.
Be back for more later!